Homemade Curry Sauce Recipe

Homemade Healthy Curry Sauce Recipe.

My husband makes this curry sauce with fresh in season vegetables, garlic and just a few indian spices. Its a tasty versatile sauce to have with any low fat meats, fish, lentils or even homemade potato wedges.

You can make it in bulk and freeze in portions. The flavours are really intense when you defost.

The secret to great tasting curry sauce is the spices and cooking method.

The fresher the Indian spices the better the flavour.

Keeping the lid on while cooking the sauce or any other dish wih spices and herbs, keeps all the intense flavors and aroma in the pot. That's the secret to great tasting food.

Important Tips to great tasting curry sauce...

The cooking method is very important too. For instance,

Cooking and covering the onions, garlic and ginger together drives the flavours through the onions. The same goes for adding the spices and vegetables. Adding liquid

Don’t just put all the liquid in at once as it will ruin the flavours and you will have soggy vegetables too.

Progressively adding a little liquid at a time builds the curry sauce and you will be able to judge it it’s the right consistency you want.


There are no hard and fast rules about which vegetables you add to a curry sauce recipe. Let your taste buds guide you Just remember to add the vegetables which take longer to cook first, like carrots, potatoes or sweet potatoes.

We tend to steam the above vegetables until they are just cooked. They are more susceptible to taking in spice flavours

Vegetable Oil

There are so many varieties of oil on the market. The best oils for cooking low fat meals are those with zero or very low saturated fat. That’s the fat that makes us fat!

Aim for Poly Unsaturated Fat. Check the food label.

Curry Sauce Recipe Ingredients

Curry Spices

  • 1 tbsp turmeric
  • 2 tbsp ground coriander
  • 1 tbsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp ground gara masala
  • 1/4 tsp chili powder - optional

Herbs and Vegetables

  • 2-4 crushed garlic cloves – depending on size
  • 1 inch minced ginger
  • 2 large onions halved and sliced
  • 2 medium ripe tomatoes finely chopped
  • 1 red or green pepper sliced - optional
  • 2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 ½ pints of Chicken or Vegetable Stock
  • Chopped coriander garnish

Preparing your Curry Sauce Recipe...

Heat the oil in a large pot or heavy wok.

Add the onions, garlic and ginger.

Stir will to coat the onions with the garlic and ginger.

Put the lid on and cook on a low heat until the onions soften and become translucent.

Stir occasionally to make sure the ingredient don’t stick.

Add the rest of your crunchy vegetables not the chopped tomatoes.

Stir and pop the lid on again.

Cook for a few minutes to combine the flavors.

Add all the spices, stirring as you go.

Put the lid on again and simmer on a low heat for 3-4 minutes.

Stir often to stop the spices from sticking.

If the mixture needs fluid, add just a few tbsps of warm water or stock.

Now add the chopped tomatoes and 1/3 of the stock.

Stir, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

Check occasionally to make sure the curry sauce isn’t sticking. Add a little more stock if need.

This is the important stage when all the flavours of the herbs, Indian spices and vegetables combine.

Now decide whether you like a thick or thin curry sauce.

If you want a thick sauce only add half the remaining stock.

For a thinner curry sauce pour in the remaining stock a bit at a time until you are happy with the thickness.

Leave the lid off this time and simmer for 10-15 minutes so the liquid can thicken and reduce a little.

Serve chunky or you can liquidize for a smooth creamy curry sauce.

Before serving...

Finely chop some fresh coriander and sprinkle over the top of your lovely curry sauce.

Serving Suggestions

There are so many things you can serve with this curry sauce recipe.

Here are a few suggestions.

Leftover chicken chopped and add to the sauce.

Cook some prawns in garlic and add to the curry sauce.

Stir fry leftover vegetables and add to the sauce.

Try this curry sauce recipe with Crispy Oven Baked Potato Wedges

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